1. Case FIR No 30 /11 dated 30.3.11 U/S 18, 20 of ND&PS Act has been registered in PS Anni on the Rukka of SI/SHO Gurbachan Singh against Mahi Lal S/o Rameshwar Singh R/o VPO Samalkha Distt Panipat (HR) & Pradeep Singh S/o Jai Singh R/o VPO Samalkha Distt Panipat (HR) as he has recovered 5oo gram Charas & 100 gram opium from their possession during patrolling .Case is being investigated by SI/SHO PS Anni.
2. Case FIR No. 31/11 dated 30.3.2011 U/S 325 IPC has been registered in PS Anni on the report of Sh. Gulab Chand on 29.03.2011 when he was working in the field of Dhani Ram his son hit with stone on his arms which he caused grievous hurt. Case is being investigated by I/C PP Luhari ASI Gian Chand.
3. Case FIR No 40/2011 Dt. 31/3/2011 u/s 341 ,323,34 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of Yan Singh Sonkhla s/o Sh. Bir Singh R/o VPO Khokhan Tehsil and Distt Kullu stated on 30/3/2011 at about 8.30 pm, when he was standing outside the house after taking dinner, he saw a motorcycle came from Bhunter to Khokhan on Khokahn road suddenly stopped and listen, the sound of quarrellings and nothing was seen to him who was quarrellings due to dark night .After this, sound of throwing something into nallah was heard by him. After this he along with his son reached the road and see the motorcycle N0 HP 34-2132 lying on the road .He identified the motorcycle was of Praveen Kumar s/o Gulab Chand R/O Khokhan and he know Praveen Kumar very well. After this he long with his son went to Nallah with torch and they saw a person namely Praveen was lying in Nallah in injured conditions. In time Sanju and other boys of village also came and carried Praveen Kumar to Kullu Valley Hospital. Praveen is referring to PGI by the MO. Case is being investigated by HC Chaman lal I/O PS Bhunter.
4. On 30.3.2011 a meeting with Private Bus operator, Truck Union, Taxi union, Jeep union office bearer of Kullu was held in the SP office Kullu regarding regulation of vehicular traffic in Kullu City. Sh. Vijay Kumar Ashok Kumar, member Bus Pvt. Union, Hari Ram General Secretary Taxi Union Kullu, Inder Kumar Rahi Dev Bhumi Jeep operator Kullu, Yub Raj Thakur President Taxi Union Kullu, Naresh Karir Chairman Pvt. Bus Union Kullu, Ibarhim Bharti owner Bharti Bus service, Bahadur Thakur bus union Kullu, Sar Chand Thakur President Pvt. Bus union Kullu, Khawer Singh President Kullu dev Bhumi Jeep union Kullu and Homender Mahant President Truck Union Kullu have attended the meeting. In this meeting following issues have been discussed. They all were introduced with traffic rules. 25 stoppages for bus have been identified from Bajaura to Kullu. Discussion about diversion of traffic through left bank to by pass Kullu. Discussion about Dhalpur traffic. In this meeting issue of the Bhunter Taxi union regarding charging of fee @ Rs1100/- from the other taxis at airport Bhunter was also discussed and decided that no fee will be charged from the other taxis, if such complaints come to notice action will be taken against defaulter as per law.
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Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
CRIME DATED 30.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No. 19/11 dated 29.3.2011 U/S 324 IPC has been registered in PS Brow on the statement of Sh. Jiwan Jayoti S/o Sh. Karam Singh R/o Thachwa Tehsil Nirmand Distt Kullu stated that on 29.03.2011 when he was working in the house of Ajeet Singh at Thachwa one ram Lal hit him with small axe. Case is being investigated by SI/SHO Ps Brow.
2 Case FIR No. 29/11 dated 29.3.2011 U/S 447,323,504 IPC has been registered in PS Anni on the statement of Sh. Dhani Ram S/o Sh. Jethu ram R/o Chamarli Tehsil Anni Distt Kullu stated that on 29.03.2011 at about 9AM ,Gulab Chand, Sandeep entered his field and abused him and beaten him .Case is being investigated by I/C PP Luhari ASI Gian Chand.
3. Case FIR No. 32/11 dated 30.3.11 u/s 452/323 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the report of Parwati Devi W/o Sh. Sher singh VPO Mohani Tehsil & P.S Banjar District Kullu at present residing in the house of Nartoam Ram VPO Banjar distt. Kullu as a tenant along with family. On 30/3/11 at 12.45 A.M. One Devender Thakur S/O Hem Raj VPO Sheglu Bazar Banjar entered in her quarter by breaking the door and abused /assaulted her. Case is being investigated by ASI Yashwant Singh I/O P.S Banjar.
4. One person namely Kamali Ram S/O Nura ram vill. Gahidhar P.O. Shojha Tehsil & O.S Banjar District Kullu aged 37 years who was going to his brother in law's house on the evening of 29/3/11 at Nanout and when he reached Sandar Jol near Gulahdhar he fell down and died on the spot. Proceeding U/S 174 CRPC has been carried out and dead body is being sent to C.H Banjar for postmortem.
5. Two persons namely Prittam Chand @ Dhale Ram S/O Sh. Bhag Chand R/O VPO Seobag Teh.& Distt Kullu age 27 years has been arrested in Case FIR No 45/11 U/S 420,379 IPC on 30-3-11 by ASI Jai Lal I/C PP Patlikuhal and Gupat Ram @ Sonu S/O Sh.Bhadur Ram R/O Puide Phati Kharahal Teh & Distt Kullu (HP) age 20 years has been arrested in Case FIR No 221/10 U/S 504,506 IPC on 29-3-11 by ASI Daya Ram I/O PS Manali .
2 Case FIR No. 29/11 dated 29.3.2011 U/S 447,323,504 IPC has been registered in PS Anni on the statement of Sh. Dhani Ram S/o Sh. Jethu ram R/o Chamarli Tehsil Anni Distt Kullu stated that on 29.03.2011 at about 9AM ,Gulab Chand, Sandeep entered his field and abused him and beaten him .Case is being investigated by I/C PP Luhari ASI Gian Chand.
3. Case FIR No. 32/11 dated 30.3.11 u/s 452/323 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the report of Parwati Devi W/o Sh. Sher singh VPO Mohani Tehsil & P.S Banjar District Kullu at present residing in the house of Nartoam Ram VPO Banjar distt. Kullu as a tenant along with family. On 30/3/11 at 12.45 A.M. One Devender Thakur S/O Hem Raj VPO Sheglu Bazar Banjar entered in her quarter by breaking the door and abused /assaulted her. Case is being investigated by ASI Yashwant Singh I/O P.S Banjar.
4. One person namely Kamali Ram S/O Nura ram vill. Gahidhar P.O. Shojha Tehsil & O.S Banjar District Kullu aged 37 years who was going to his brother in law's house on the evening of 29/3/11 at Nanout and when he reached Sandar Jol near Gulahdhar he fell down and died on the spot. Proceeding U/S 174 CRPC has been carried out and dead body is being sent to C.H Banjar for postmortem.
5. Two persons namely Prittam Chand @ Dhale Ram S/O Sh. Bhag Chand R/O VPO Seobag Teh.& Distt Kullu age 27 years has been arrested in Case FIR No 45/11 U/S 420,379 IPC on 30-3-11 by ASI Jai Lal I/C PP Patlikuhal and Gupat Ram @ Sonu S/O Sh.Bhadur Ram R/O Puide Phati Kharahal Teh & Distt Kullu (HP) age 20 years has been arrested in Case FIR No 221/10 U/S 504,506 IPC on 29-3-11 by ASI Daya Ram I/O PS Manali .
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
CRIME DATED 29.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
Case of cruelty by husband
1. Case FIR No 39/11 dated 28.3.11 U/S 498 (A) 506, 323 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of Smt. Mala Devi W/o Sh. Ses Ram R/o Khokan Tehsil & Distt Kullu stated that she got married with Ses Ram six month ago and she also stated that her husband is already married but his first wife died after some time. After three months her husband and her Mother in law started harassing her for dowry. On 18.2.2011 her husband has thrown burning stove on her and due to this she admitted in Kullu hospital for treatment and after fifteen days her husband and mother in law asked her to give divorce and threatened with dire consequences. Case is investigated by ASI Naresh Chand I/O PS Bhunter.
Case of criminal breach of trust and cheating
2. Case FIR No 44/11 dated 28.3.2011 U/S 406, 420, 34 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of Omesh Raja Dogra S/o Amar Nath dogra R/o H.No 15/11 Subhash road Dehradun that he , Sudhir Malik Kaushik Bhasin made a joint partnership deal in 2004 for purchasing land and building flats. There was 33.3% partnership among them. They had purchased some land at Aleo, but Sudhir Malik has sold the land with common intention with the help of Moni Devi and Subhash Chand to one namely Commander Mittal. Case is being investigated by Sub. Inspector Gulam Akbar I/O PS Manali.
Case of theft and cheating
3. Case FIR No 45/11 dated 28.3.2011 U/S 420, 379 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the application of Kamlesh S/o Sh. Mohan Lal VPO Naggar stated that some unknown person has been stolen away his A.T.M. card from his vehicle and withdrawal Rs. 37,500/- from different ATM Booths. Case is being investigated by ASI Jai Lal I/C Police Post Patlikuhal.
Case of accident
4. Case FIR No 58/11 dated 28.3.2011 U/S 279 IPC & 187 MV Act has been registered in PS Kullu on the statement of Mahender Kumar Chowkidar bus stand Kullu that on 28.3.2011 at 10.45 PM a private Bus No HP-34-B 1397 hit the bus No HP-38-B-8470(HRTC) which was already parked at bus stand parking. Case is being investigated by HC Jai Singh I/O PP city Kullu.
1. Case FIR No 39/11 dated 28.3.11 U/S 498 (A) 506, 323 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of Smt. Mala Devi W/o Sh. Ses Ram R/o Khokan Tehsil & Distt Kullu stated that she got married with Ses Ram six month ago and she also stated that her husband is already married but his first wife died after some time. After three months her husband and her Mother in law started harassing her for dowry. On 18.2.2011 her husband has thrown burning stove on her and due to this she admitted in Kullu hospital for treatment and after fifteen days her husband and mother in law asked her to give divorce and threatened with dire consequences. Case is investigated by ASI Naresh Chand I/O PS Bhunter.
Case of criminal breach of trust and cheating
2. Case FIR No 44/11 dated 28.3.2011 U/S 406, 420, 34 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of Omesh Raja Dogra S/o Amar Nath dogra R/o H.No 15/11 Subhash road Dehradun that he , Sudhir Malik Kaushik Bhasin made a joint partnership deal in 2004 for purchasing land and building flats. There was 33.3% partnership among them. They had purchased some land at Aleo, but Sudhir Malik has sold the land with common intention with the help of Moni Devi and Subhash Chand to one namely Commander Mittal. Case is being investigated by Sub. Inspector Gulam Akbar I/O PS Manali.
Case of theft and cheating
3. Case FIR No 45/11 dated 28.3.2011 U/S 420, 379 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the application of Kamlesh S/o Sh. Mohan Lal VPO Naggar stated that some unknown person has been stolen away his A.T.M. card from his vehicle and withdrawal Rs. 37,500/- from different ATM Booths. Case is being investigated by ASI Jai Lal I/C Police Post Patlikuhal.
Case of accident
4. Case FIR No 58/11 dated 28.3.2011 U/S 279 IPC & 187 MV Act has been registered in PS Kullu on the statement of Mahender Kumar Chowkidar bus stand Kullu that on 28.3.2011 at 10.45 PM a private Bus No HP-34-B 1397 hit the bus No HP-38-B-8470(HRTC) which was already parked at bus stand parking. Case is being investigated by HC Jai Singh I/O PP city Kullu.
Monday, March 28, 2011
CRIME DATED 28.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 37/11 dated 27-3-11 U/S 341, 354, 323 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of Smt. Hem Lata W/o Sh. Narender Thakur R/o Sari PO Brahin distt Kullu alleging that on 27.3.2011 while she was going to her home from Spangni at about 6 PM when she reached near Piplage Ramesh Chand S/o Sh. Hira Lal R/o GandkhelaPO Brahin Distt Kullu obstruct her way and tried to outrage her modesty. Case is being investigated by ASI Jaspal Singh I/O PS Bhunter.
2. Case FIR No 43/11 dated 27.3.11 U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of Manoj Kumar S/o Amar Singh R/o VPO Dhamjol Tehsil Bhoranj Distt Hamirpur at present boot house Bahang one Bhim Singh has taken his Motor Cycle No HP-33-8022 towards NehruKund with out his permission. On this he and his friend go towards Nehru Kund and he found that Bhim Singh lying on the road with Motor cycle. Case is being investigating by HC Anoop Ram I/O PS Manali.
3. Today one Smt Tara Devi w/o Charan Dass VPO Prini Tehsil Manali Distt Kullu age 50 years has been arrested by ASI Rajeev Kumar I/O PS Manali in case FIR No 127/10 U/S 18 of ND&PS Act for cultivation of poppy plants.
4. Today one Sh. Saravjeet Singh S/o Sh. Nirmal Singh R/o VPO Machati Kalan PS Faridkot Pb. has been arrested by ASI Kesar Singh I/O PS Kullu in case FIR No 246/10 dated 16.9.10 U/S 406, 420, 34 IPC.
2. Case FIR No 43/11 dated 27.3.11 U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of Manoj Kumar S/o Amar Singh R/o VPO Dhamjol Tehsil Bhoranj Distt Hamirpur at present boot house Bahang one Bhim Singh has taken his Motor Cycle No HP-33-8022 towards NehruKund with out his permission. On this he and his friend go towards Nehru Kund and he found that Bhim Singh lying on the road with Motor cycle. Case is being investigating by HC Anoop Ram I/O PS Manali.
3. Today one Smt Tara Devi w/o Charan Dass VPO Prini Tehsil Manali Distt Kullu age 50 years has been arrested by ASI Rajeev Kumar I/O PS Manali in case FIR No 127/10 U/S 18 of ND&PS Act for cultivation of poppy plants.
4. Today one Sh. Saravjeet Singh S/o Sh. Nirmal Singh R/o VPO Machati Kalan PS Faridkot Pb. has been arrested by ASI Kesar Singh I/O PS Kullu in case FIR No 246/10 dated 16.9.10 U/S 406, 420, 34 IPC.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Crime dated 27.03.11 up to 4 pm
1. Case FIR NO 28/11 dated 26-03-2011 U/S447,427,504,323 has been registered on the statement of Latta Devi W/O Narayan Dass r/o village Jhamehad PO Kamand tehsil and PS Anni that she was making dhara (tin shed ) in her father -in-law land khasara no 1937 a/w her husband , Salig Ram , Lotam Ram , Rakesh and Shyam Lal . On dated 26-03-2011 at about 2.30/3.00 PM Devender ,Vijay Ram , Bhagwan Dass , Shakuntla Devi and Chudi Devi came the land of Latta Devi father-in-law where they making dhara (tin shed) and told that why are you making this dhara on the road . Shakuntla Devi hit Latta Devi with her sickle on left arm and use filthy language and also dismental the dhara . Case is being investigated ASI Rajinder Pal i/o PS Anni
2. Case FIR No. 42/11 dt. 27-03-11 u/s. 341,323,506,34 IPC has been registered on the statement of one Chaman Lal S/o.Tot Ram R/o. Kutbai, P/o.Nagar Teh.&Distt. Kullu that on 26-03-2011 he went as guest in the house of one Pinku S/o. Kundan Lal R/o. Nagar at around 11:30 pm. He was sitting in the room in the mean time son of Pinku sat on his lap . On this Pinku got angry and started beating him .Three other friends of pinku were also sitting there and they also beaten him with sticks and punches. He ran away from there to save himself and they all were threatning him to do away with his life . They all restrained him and beaten him. He sustained injuries due to their beating . Case is being investigated by HC Mohinder Singh No.74.
2. Case FIR No. 42/11 dt. 27-03-11 u/s. 341,323,506,34 IPC has been registered on the statement of one Chaman Lal S/o.Tot Ram R/o. Kutbai, P/o.Nagar Teh.&Distt. Kullu that on 26-03-2011 he went as guest in the house of one Pinku S/o. Kundan Lal R/o. Nagar at around 11:30 pm. He was sitting in the room in the mean time son of Pinku sat on his lap . On this Pinku got angry and started beating him .Three other friends of pinku were also sitting there and they also beaten him with sticks and punches. He ran away from there to save himself and they all were threatning him to do away with his life . They all restrained him and beaten him. He sustained injuries due to their beating . Case is being investigated by HC Mohinder Singh No.74.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
CRIME DATED 25.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 36/11 DT.24-3-11 U/S 289 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the report of Smt. Mamta Devi W/o Sh. Machhinder Singh R/o Bhunter alleging that on 24.3.11 when her son namely Abhay Singh was coming from school to his home when he reached near the house of Prihti Singh the pet dog of Prihti Singh R/o Bhunter bite her son. Case is being investigated by HC Chaman Lal I/O PS Bhunter.
2. Case FIR No 31/11 dated 25.3.11 U/S 379, 34 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the application of Mohd. Afraaj Ahemed JTO BSNL Exchange Banjar alleged that on 22.3.11 during route visit by Suman Kumar (T/Mechanic) 50 pair cables wire length around 1 KM near Sai ropa was found missing the cost approx Rs. 96290/-. Case is being investigating by SI/SHO Surender Pathak PS Banjar.Two persons namly ajay s.o. Sunku r/o kangra,balbir s/o kaka r/o khari chamba arrested at 6_00 pm in case fir no 31/11 u/s 379,34 ipc 300mtr cable wire recovered so far cost 30000.
3. Proclaimed offender Mr. Raju @ Shri Devi S/o Smt Bikrami R/o VPO Old Manali Distt Kullu has been arrested by HHC Bhag Chand at Solang Nallah Manali. Who was wanted/proclaimed offender in case FIR No 377/07 dated 22.12.2007 U/S 379 IPC PS Manali. He had stolen away Motor Cycle No DHX-7474 form Manali on 22.12.2007
2. Case FIR No 31/11 dated 25.3.11 U/S 379, 34 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the application of Mohd. Afraaj Ahemed JTO BSNL Exchange Banjar alleged that on 22.3.11 during route visit by Suman Kumar (T/Mechanic) 50 pair cables wire length around 1 KM near Sai ropa was found missing the cost approx Rs. 96290/-. Case is being investigating by SI/SHO Surender Pathak PS Banjar.Two persons namly ajay s.o. Sunku r/o kangra,balbir s/o kaka r/o khari chamba arrested at 6_00 pm in case fir no 31/11 u/s 379,34 ipc 300mtr cable wire recovered so far cost 30000.
3. Proclaimed offender Mr. Raju @ Shri Devi S/o Smt Bikrami R/o VPO Old Manali Distt Kullu has been arrested by HHC Bhag Chand at Solang Nallah Manali. Who was wanted/proclaimed offender in case FIR No 377/07 dated 22.12.2007 U/S 379 IPC PS Manali. He had stolen away Motor Cycle No DHX-7474 form Manali on 22.12.2007
Thursday, March 24, 2011
CRIME DATED 24.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 27 /11 dated 23.3.11 U/S 20 of ND&PS act has been registered in PS Anni on the Rukka of SI/SHO Gurbachan Singh against Mohan Singh S/o Sh. Darshan Singh R/O Taluna Tehsil Anni Distt Kullu as he has recovered 1.930Kg Charas from his possession during patrolling at Taluna link road.Case is being investigated by SI/SHO PS Anni.
2. Case FIR No 27 /11 dated 24.3.11 U/S 20 of ND&PS act has been registered in PS Kullu on the Rukka of HC Jamal Din I/O Police Post Manikaran against Rorick Crecent Lemos S/o Herbert Francis R/o Wadia Estate Building No 12/426 West Mumbai as he has recovered 1.540Kg Charas from his possession during patrolling at Urladhar. Case is being investigated by HC Jamal Din I/O PP Manikaran.
3. Case FIR No 30/11 DT.24-3-11 U/S 341,323 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the statement of Sh. Chander sain S/O Nika Ram Village Dharakhari P.O Kolta Tehsil Banjar distt. Kullu stated that on 23-3-11 at 7-00 pm when he was going back to his home in the mean time Sh Yashwant Singh S/O Dabe Ram came there and restrained his his way and also beaten him. Case is being investigated by H.C Krishan Lal I/O PS Banjar.
2. Case FIR No 27 /11 dated 24.3.11 U/S 20 of ND&PS act has been registered in PS Kullu on the Rukka of HC Jamal Din I/O Police Post Manikaran against Rorick Crecent Lemos S/o Herbert Francis R/o Wadia Estate Building No 12/426 West Mumbai as he has recovered 1.540Kg Charas from his possession during patrolling at Urladhar. Case is being investigated by HC Jamal Din I/O PP Manikaran.
3. Case FIR No 30/11 DT.24-3-11 U/S 341,323 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the statement of Sh. Chander sain S/O Nika Ram Village Dharakhari P.O Kolta Tehsil Banjar distt. Kullu stated that on 23-3-11 at 7-00 pm when he was going back to his home in the mean time Sh Yashwant Singh S/O Dabe Ram came there and restrained his his way and also beaten him. Case is being investigated by H.C Krishan Lal I/O PS Banjar.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
CRIME DATED 23.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1.Case FIR No. 54/11 dated 22-3-11 U/S 452,323,506,34 has been registered in PS Kullu on the complaint of Mr. Sandeep Bodh S/o Ranveer Bodh R/o H.N.58 AB Kullu that his tenant Mr. Papu died on dated 19-3-11 on the day 22-3-11 at noon time his shop was opened by some unknown person ,before they could be consulted about where about they left this created a suspicion that our might not be sublet or something is not stolen from the shop or the shop lock is not changed so they put another lock over the lock that was already there just to ensure that safety of their shop and the safety of tenant belonging . In the evening of the same day 7:00 pm few females along with few males intruded in to their home and slapped him (Sandeep Bodh ) and started abusing and threaten to with dire consequence. Investigation is being carried out by S.I. Het Ram I/C PP city AB.
2. Case FIR No. 55/11 dated 22-3-11 U/S 341,354,504,506,323 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the complaint of Sushma Arora w/o Lt.Ramesh Chand Arora R/o Dhalpur Teh. & Distt. Kullu that on dated 20-3-2011 her husband has died who was running confectionary shop at Biasa More. On dated 22-3-11 at about at about 7 pm when she went to Beasa Mor to check up her shop she found that one another lock was lapped over her lock. When she went to her owner house at the same time Jangu S/o Ranvir Singh wrongfully restrained her and beaten her and knowingly touched her parts of body and used filthy language and threatened her to with dire consequence. Investigation is being carried out by S.I. Het Ram I/C PP city.
3.Case FIR No. 56 /11 dated 23-3-11 U/S 504,506/34 IPC and 3( i)(x) SC&ST act has been registered in PS Kullu on the complaint of Smt. Rukmani Devi w/o sh. Poshu Ram vill. Thadei PO Kasladi Teh. & Distt. Kullu HP that on dated 20.3.11 she was working in her field at Foudra Chait -Dhanali than their adjoining neighbor Sh. Yuv Raj, Smt. Mouji Devi , Shyam chand and their family members started fighting with Jayabanti Devi and gave her sarcastic remarks about her caste and threatened that they will kill their family. They used abusive language and gave sarcastic remarks about her caste.Case is being investigated by Inspector/SHO Sher Singh PS Kullu.
2. Case FIR No. 55/11 dated 22-3-11 U/S 341,354,504,506,323 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the complaint of Sushma Arora w/o Lt.Ramesh Chand Arora R/o Dhalpur Teh. & Distt. Kullu that on dated 20-3-2011 her husband has died who was running confectionary shop at Biasa More. On dated 22-3-11 at about at about 7 pm when she went to Beasa Mor to check up her shop she found that one another lock was lapped over her lock. When she went to her owner house at the same time Jangu S/o Ranvir Singh wrongfully restrained her and beaten her and knowingly touched her parts of body and used filthy language and threatened her to with dire consequence. Investigation is being carried out by S.I. Het Ram I/C PP city.
3.Case FIR No. 56 /11 dated 23-3-11 U/S 504,506/34 IPC and 3( i)(x) SC&ST act has been registered in PS Kullu on the complaint of Smt. Rukmani Devi w/o sh. Poshu Ram vill. Thadei PO Kasladi Teh. & Distt. Kullu HP that on dated 20.3.11 she was working in her field at Foudra Chait -Dhanali than their adjoining neighbor Sh. Yuv Raj, Smt. Mouji Devi , Shyam chand and their family members started fighting with Jayabanti Devi and gave her sarcastic remarks about her caste and threatened that they will kill their family. They used abusive language and gave sarcastic remarks about her caste.Case is being investigated by Inspector/SHO Sher Singh PS Kullu.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
CRIME DATED 22.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR NO 26/11 dated 21.3.11 U/S 302 IPC has been registered in PS Anni on the statement of Monika D/o Sh. Hoshiyar Singh R/o Shalabagh PO Tandi Tehsil Anni Distt Kullu that on 20.3.2011 one Nepali came to their premises and demanded meal, in the mean time Ramesh Kumar S/o Kishan Chand R/o Tandi came there and he pushed the Nepali forcibly and Nepali fell down from the premises and died on the spot. Case is being investigated by SI/SHO Ps Anni.
2. Case FIR No 53/11 dated 21.3.2011 U/S 7 of HP Prevention Mal practice University Board Act has been registered in PS Kullu on the application of Superintendent of GSS School Chhaman that on 18.3.2011 a private student against private candidate Dropti Devi D/o Sh. Mohar Simgh R/O Bandal Tehsil & Distt Kullu while she took away the answer sheet along with herself.
2. Case FIR No 53/11 dated 21.3.2011 U/S 7 of HP Prevention Mal practice University Board Act has been registered in PS Kullu on the application of Superintendent of GSS School Chhaman that on 18.3.2011 a private student against private candidate Dropti Devi D/o Sh. Mohar Simgh R/O Bandal Tehsil & Distt Kullu while she took away the answer sheet along with herself.
Monday, March 21, 2011
CRIME DATED 21.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1.Case FIR No 28/11 dated 20.3.11 U/S 160 IPC has been registered in
PS Banjar on the Rukka of HC Ses Raj stated that on 20.3.11 at about
9.30 PM four people namely Dhayan Singh R/o Chehni, Naveen kumar R/o
Latipari, Megh Singh and another person (name not known) presently
working as a mechanic in the shop of Vicky Banjar committing affray
each opther and create nuisance in public place. Case is being
investigated by HC Ses Raj I/O PS Banjar.
2.Case FIR No 37/11 dated 20.3.2011 U/S 341, 324, 34 IPC has been
registered in PS Manali on the statement of Sh. Anurag Thapa R/o
Bajogi Manali that on 20.3.11 when he along with his friend Gaurab
came to bazar to watch the cricket match at about 4 PM Mr. Gulsher
Khan, Bhanu Khan came with sticks and knife. His friend Raju was also
standing with them in the mean time Gulsher khan stabbed knife to
Anurag Thapa. He sustained injuries. Case is being investigated by ASI
Daya Ram I/O PS Manali.
3.Case FIR No38/11 dated 20.3.2011 U/S 341, 323, 34 IPC (Cross FIR)
has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of GulSher Khan
stated that on 19.3.11 when he was playing his friends near Kanishka
Hotel and Nepali team. On 20.3.11 2011 the complaint of above
mentioned person along with his friend had beaten him with iron rod.
Case is being investigated by SI Shiv Singh I/O PS Manali.
4.Case FIR No 39/11 dated 20.3.11 U/S 504, 506 IPC Has been
registered in PS Manali on the statement of Smt. Chobi Goswami D/o
satish barick R/o 33-2 Show up Bazar Kolkata at present Manu Market
Manali that on 20.3.11 when she was at Gompa road Manali Mr. Irshad
Ahmad abused her threatened her to dire consequence.
5.Three person namely Chinta Mani Rana S/o Sh. Keshav Rana R/o
nachani Sub Tehsil Bali Chowki, Keshav Ran S/o Sh. Sangat Ram R/o
Misheni Sub Tehsil Bali Chowki and Bhinder Singh Rana S/o Sh. Mohinder
Rana R/o Nachani Sub Tehsil Bali Cowki has been arrested in case FIR
No 204/10 U/S 307 34 IPC PS Manali on dated 21.3.2011 by ASI Daya Ram
with the assistance of HC Hari Singh I/O PS Manali.
PS Banjar on the Rukka of HC Ses Raj stated that on 20.3.11 at about
9.30 PM four people namely Dhayan Singh R/o Chehni, Naveen kumar R/o
Latipari, Megh Singh and another person (name not known) presently
working as a mechanic in the shop of Vicky Banjar committing affray
each opther and create nuisance in public place. Case is being
investigated by HC Ses Raj I/O PS Banjar.
2.Case FIR No 37/11 dated 20.3.2011 U/S 341, 324, 34 IPC has been
registered in PS Manali on the statement of Sh. Anurag Thapa R/o
Bajogi Manali that on 20.3.11 when he along with his friend Gaurab
came to bazar to watch the cricket match at about 4 PM Mr. Gulsher
Khan, Bhanu Khan came with sticks and knife. His friend Raju was also
standing with them in the mean time Gulsher khan stabbed knife to
Anurag Thapa. He sustained injuries. Case is being investigated by ASI
Daya Ram I/O PS Manali.
3.Case FIR No38/11 dated 20.3.2011 U/S 341, 323, 34 IPC (Cross FIR)
has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of GulSher Khan
stated that on 19.3.11 when he was playing his friends near Kanishka
Hotel and Nepali team. On 20.3.11 2011 the complaint of above
mentioned person along with his friend had beaten him with iron rod.
Case is being investigated by SI Shiv Singh I/O PS Manali.
4.Case FIR No 39/11 dated 20.3.11 U/S 504, 506 IPC Has been
registered in PS Manali on the statement of Smt. Chobi Goswami D/o
satish barick R/o 33-2 Show up Bazar Kolkata at present Manu Market
Manali that on 20.3.11 when she was at Gompa road Manali Mr. Irshad
Ahmad abused her threatened her to dire consequence.
5.Three person namely Chinta Mani Rana S/o Sh. Keshav Rana R/o
nachani Sub Tehsil Bali Chowki, Keshav Ran S/o Sh. Sangat Ram R/o
Misheni Sub Tehsil Bali Chowki and Bhinder Singh Rana S/o Sh. Mohinder
Rana R/o Nachani Sub Tehsil Bali Cowki has been arrested in case FIR
No 204/10 U/S 307 34 IPC PS Manali on dated 21.3.2011 by ASI Daya Ram
with the assistance of HC Hari Singh I/O PS Manali.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
CRIME DATED 20.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 35/11 dated 19.3.2011 U/S 498/323 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the application of Smt Rajni Devi W/o Khem Raj R/o Shuru Distt Kullu alleged that she has got married to Khem Raj S/o Dile Ram R/o Shuru 6 Years before . After 2 years her husband behavior turned and started harassing her mentally and physically and demanding for money from in-laws. On 19-3-2011 her husband beaten her and she sustained injuries. Case is being investigated by ASI Dharam Pal I/O PS Manali.
2. Case FIR No 35/11 dated 19.3.2011 U/S 279/337 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of Smt Ram Pyari W/o Uttam Chand R/o Vill. Shamshi Tehsil & Distt. Kullu stated that on 19-3-2011 at about 5:45 PM when she was out side of her room one vehicle Alto No. HP34B-1824 came from bhunter side rashly which was driven by Bhumi Ram S/o Jhhabe Ram R/o Bhulang lost his control from vehicle and entered wrong side and hit with stone and got injured. Case is being investigated by I/C TTR ASI Dhani Ram.
3. Case FIR No 36/11 dated 19.3.2011 U/S 279/337 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of Amit Suri S/o Ashik Kumar R/o H.No. 764 Street No. 2 Civil Line Ludhiana stated that on 19-3-2011 at about 8:10 PM when he was at IBEX chowk along with his family in Car No. PB 10-CXT-0044 in the mean time the driver of vehicle No. DL-IYC -2450 Inova Car rashly back his car and hit his car and one another vehicle No. HP58-2339 Alto Car. Case is being investigated by ASI Ramesh Chand I.O. P.S. Manali
4. Case FIR No 25/11 dated 19.3.2011 U/S 457/380 IPC has been registered in PS Anni on the statement of Sh. Jog Dyal S/o Lal dass R/o Sart P.O. Jaon Tehsil & P.S. Anni stated that on 18-3-2011 at about 6:30 P.M. he closed his Tea stall at Shamshar and put his Gun SBBL No.- HIM-38873 Mandi Made and Licence No. L-No. 1576K he left his gun in the Khokha,after that he went to Kafti village. At about 9:30 PM when he return back to his Tea Stall khokha and found some unknown person has broken lock of khokha and stolen away his gun . Case is being investigated by HC Chaman Lal I.O. P.S. Anni.
2. Case FIR No 35/11 dated 19.3.2011 U/S 279/337 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of Smt Ram Pyari W/o Uttam Chand R/o Vill. Shamshi Tehsil & Distt. Kullu stated that on 19-3-2011 at about 5:45 PM when she was out side of her room one vehicle Alto No. HP34B-1824 came from bhunter side rashly which was driven by Bhumi Ram S/o Jhhabe Ram R/o Bhulang lost his control from vehicle and entered wrong side and hit with stone and got injured. Case is being investigated by I/C TTR ASI Dhani Ram.
3. Case FIR No 36/11 dated 19.3.2011 U/S 279/337 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of Amit Suri S/o Ashik Kumar R/o H.No. 764 Street No. 2 Civil Line Ludhiana stated that on 19-3-2011 at about 8:10 PM when he was at IBEX chowk along with his family in Car No. PB 10-CXT-0044 in the mean time the driver of vehicle No. DL-IYC -2450 Inova Car rashly back his car and hit his car and one another vehicle No. HP58-2339 Alto Car. Case is being investigated by ASI Ramesh Chand I.O. P.S. Manali
4. Case FIR No 25/11 dated 19.3.2011 U/S 457/380 IPC has been registered in PS Anni on the statement of Sh. Jog Dyal S/o Lal dass R/o Sart P.O. Jaon Tehsil & P.S. Anni stated that on 18-3-2011 at about 6:30 P.M. he closed his Tea stall at Shamshar and put his Gun SBBL No.- HIM-38873 Mandi Made and Licence No. L-No. 1576K he left his gun in the Khokha,after that he went to Kafti village. At about 9:30 PM when he return back to his Tea Stall khokha and found some unknown person has broken lock of khokha and stolen away his gun . Case is being investigated by HC Chaman Lal I.O. P.S. Anni.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
CRIME DATED 19.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 34/11 dated 18.3.11 U/S 341,323,506 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of Sh. Kanshi Ram S/o Ram Chand R/o Lopara P.O Sudi Tehsil Bhadua district Kistwar (J&K) A/P Village Bhajogi Manali that 18-3-11 at around 9-30 pm when he was on his way to home in the mean time Mr. Rajan restrained and beaten him. Case is being investigated by ASI Daya Ram I/O P.S Manali.
2. Case FIR No 52/11 dated 19.3.2011 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the Rukka of Insp/SHO Sher Singh against Tilak Raj S/o Mohar Singh Driver HP-66-2428 Bolero Camper while he lost control over his above said vehicle and met with an accident near Sharna aage due to his rash & negligent driving and sustained injuries. Case is being investigated by SHO P.S Kullu.
3. Case FIR No27/11 dated 19.3.2011 u/s 20 Of NDPS has been registered in PS Banjar on the Rukka of ASI Ram Lal I/O P.S Banjar that on 19.3.2011 During Nakabandi at Dhaugi at about 4.30 AM he recovered 1 Kg Charas from the possession of Mr. Pawan Kumar S/o Rajender Kumar R/o Sector 23 P.S DwarkaNew Delhi ,Narender Kumar s/o Ranveer Singh R/o Shahbag Muhamdpur P.S Dwarka , Mr. Hari Om S/o Baba R/o Shahbad New Delhli & Mr. ParmaNand S/o Ratti Ram R/o Sector 4 Dwarka New Delhi . The above four persons were sitting in Vehicle Toyota No DL-4CN-1501. Case is being investigated Asi Ram Lal I/O P.S Banjar.
2. Case FIR No 52/11 dated 19.3.2011 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the Rukka of Insp/SHO Sher Singh against Tilak Raj S/o Mohar Singh Driver HP-66-2428 Bolero Camper while he lost control over his above said vehicle and met with an accident near Sharna aage due to his rash & negligent driving and sustained injuries. Case is being investigated by SHO P.S Kullu.
3. Case FIR No27/11 dated 19.3.2011 u/s 20 Of NDPS has been registered in PS Banjar on the Rukka of ASI Ram Lal I/O P.S Banjar that on 19.3.2011 During Nakabandi at Dhaugi at about 4.30 AM he recovered 1 Kg Charas from the possession of Mr. Pawan Kumar S/o Rajender Kumar R/o Sector 23 P.S DwarkaNew Delhi ,Narender Kumar s/o Ranveer Singh R/o Shahbag Muhamdpur P.S Dwarka , Mr. Hari Om S/o Baba R/o Shahbad New Delhli & Mr. ParmaNand S/o Ratti Ram R/o Sector 4 Dwarka New Delhi . The above four persons were sitting in Vehicle Toyota No DL-4CN-1501. Case is being investigated Asi Ram Lal I/O P.S Banjar.
Friday, March 18, 2011
CRIME DATED 18.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 17/11 dated 17.3.2011 U/S 336,337, IPC has been registered in PS Brow on the statement of Sh Abhi Lal S/o Jai Bahadur A/P Laborer Marshal Company Bayal alleging that on 16.3.2011 at about 2 PM when he was along with Badri Narayan present in the Hut .in the meantime one stone fell down their shed. As a result of which Badri Narayan sustained injuries .Cause of this incident revealed to be negligence of operator Pradeep Kumar and sight Incharge of Patel Company. Case is being investigated by HC Kartar singh I/O PS Brow
2. Case FIR No 18/11 dated 17.3.2011 U/S 452,354 IPC has been registered in PS Brow on the statement of Sawati Devi D/O Santosh Kumr R/O Muhali PO Teshan Teh. Kumasain Distt Shimla age 17 year stated that on 16.3.2011 at about 6.30 PM when she was alone in her house at Brow in the meantime one Madan Lal entered her house and outrage her modesty and threatened with die consequences Case is being investigated by ASI Jagat Ram I/O PS Brow
3. Case FIR No 51/11 dated 17.3.2011 U/S 341,323,504 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the statement of Shamsher Singh S/O Premu Ram R/O Bhanbas PS Aut Distt Mandi that on 11.3.2011 his wife was admitted in RH Kullu. On dated 14/03/11 at about 3.30 PM when he was going to sarwari at bridge in the same time Sh Bali Ram S/O Thali Ram R/O Bhanwas obstructed his way and beaten him with stick and use filthy language. Case is being investigated by HC Gopal Chand I/O PS Kullu
4. Case FIR No. 24/11 dated 18-03-11U/S 41,42 IF Act and 379 IPC has been registered in PS Ani on the ruka of HC Chaman Lal . When he was on patrolling along with Police party at Chimani Kenchi at about 5.30 pm on 17-3-11 a information received from the informer that Khayala S/O Late Sh. Gian Dass R/O Chouka PS Ani was working to selling the illicit goods and the sleeper of Devdhar (Cidder) was holding his one room house. At the same time HC Chaman Lal along with Police party and raiding team went toward Chouka 28 sleeper of Devdhar recovered from spot. Case is being investigated by HC Chaman Lal I/O PS Ani
2. Case FIR No 18/11 dated 17.3.2011 U/S 452,354 IPC has been registered in PS Brow on the statement of Sawati Devi D/O Santosh Kumr R/O Muhali PO Teshan Teh. Kumasain Distt Shimla age 17 year stated that on 16.3.2011 at about 6.30 PM when she was alone in her house at Brow in the meantime one Madan Lal entered her house and outrage her modesty and threatened with die consequences Case is being investigated by ASI Jagat Ram I/O PS Brow
3. Case FIR No 51/11 dated 17.3.2011 U/S 341,323,504 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the statement of Shamsher Singh S/O Premu Ram R/O Bhanbas PS Aut Distt Mandi that on 11.3.2011 his wife was admitted in RH Kullu. On dated 14/03/11 at about 3.30 PM when he was going to sarwari at bridge in the same time Sh Bali Ram S/O Thali Ram R/O Bhanwas obstructed his way and beaten him with stick and use filthy language. Case is being investigated by HC Gopal Chand I/O PS Kullu
4. Case FIR No. 24/11 dated 18-03-11U/S 41,42 IF Act and 379 IPC has been registered in PS Ani on the ruka of HC Chaman Lal . When he was on patrolling along with Police party at Chimani Kenchi at about 5.30 pm on 17-3-11 a information received from the informer that Khayala S/O Late Sh. Gian Dass R/O Chouka PS Ani was working to selling the illicit goods and the sleeper of Devdhar (Cidder) was holding his one room house. At the same time HC Chaman Lal along with Police party and raiding team went toward Chouka 28 sleeper of Devdhar recovered from spot. Case is being investigated by HC Chaman Lal I/O PS Ani
Thursday, March 17, 2011
CRIME DATED 17.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 50/11 dated 16.3.2011 U/S 451,323, 427, 504, 34 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the statement of Amar Nath S/o Naru ram Village Lari PO Neuli Tehsil & distt Kullu stated that on 16.3.2011 at about 12.30 PM when he was at home with his family and at the same time when he was came out side for urinal he heard noise and saw three people namely Raju, Payare Lal and Budhi Singh came his house and beaten him and damaged his house roof . Case is being investigated by ASI Balak Ram I/O PS Kullu.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
CRIME DATED 16.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 49/11 dated 16.3.2011 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the statement of Devi Singh S/o Anni Ram Village Uchdhar PO Barshani distt Kullu stated that on 15.3.2011 at 11.30 Pm when he was coming to Kasol in vehicle No HP-34-B- 2706 Alto car and when he reached near village Gojh suddenly driver of above car Yogeshwar Singh loose the control on vehicle and roll down from the road. In this accident he and driver got injuries. Case is being investigated by HC Jamal Din I/O PP Manikaran.
2. On 15.3.2011 Sh. Chuni Lal VPO Banjar informed telephonically to PS Banjar one dead body is laying at Sanryal in Banjar river. On this information ASI Yashwant Singh rushed to the spot to verify the facts. During investigation he found that deceased Med Ram S/o Khampu Ram R/o Sajwar PS Banjar has committed suicide. Proceeding U/S 174 CrPC has been carried out and the dead was handed over to his son Sh. Vijay Kumar for cremation.
3. On dated 15.3.2011 one person namely Sadh ram S/o Chande Ram R/o VPO Sachani Distt Kullu has been arrested U/S 114, 115 Police Act at Dhalpur Kullu.
2. On 15.3.2011 Sh. Chuni Lal VPO Banjar informed telephonically to PS Banjar one dead body is laying at Sanryal in Banjar river. On this information ASI Yashwant Singh rushed to the spot to verify the facts. During investigation he found that deceased Med Ram S/o Khampu Ram R/o Sajwar PS Banjar has committed suicide. Proceeding U/S 174 CrPC has been carried out and the dead was handed over to his son Sh. Vijay Kumar for cremation.
3. On dated 15.3.2011 one person namely Sadh ram S/o Chande Ram R/o VPO Sachani Distt Kullu has been arrested U/S 114, 115 Police Act at Dhalpur Kullu.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
CRIME DATED 15.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 26/11 dated 14.3.2011 U/S 506, 509 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the statement of Sarla Devi D/o larru Ram VPO Deori Sainj distt Kullu stated that one person namely Atulla called her and used filthy language and threatened her to dire consequence. Case is being investigated by Sub. Inspector Sarwan Singh I/C PP Sainj.
2. Case FIR No 22/11 dated 14.3.11 U/S 325, 323, 504, 34 IPC has been registered in PS Nirmand on the complaint of Chet Ram S/o Jindu Ram R/o Sunair P.O. Nishani Tehsil Nirmand Distt Kullu stated that on 08.3.11 at about 8.15 PM when he was present behind cow shed in the mean time Himtu ram, Durga dass and Dogi Devi came there and abused him and beaten him and he sustained injury. Case is being investigated by HC Lal Chand I/O PS Nirmand.
3. Case FIR No34/11 dated 14.3.11 U/S 20 of ND&PS Act has been registered in PS Bhunter against Sanjay Pathania S/o Thakur Singh R/o Main Bazar Bhunter. Case is being investigated by ASI Naresh Chand I/O PS Bhunter.
4. Case FIR No 33/11 dated 14.3.11 U/S 406 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the report of Vishal Pathania S/o Devender Pathania R/O VPO Khokan Distt Kullu sated that on 12.3.2011 his driver Hem Singh told him that he is going to carry local passenger to Naina Devi and Deot Sidh for three days. On 13.3.2011 his driver informed him telephonically when he has parked his vehicle at Naina Devi on road side for urinal and when he came back he found that the vehicle was not there. The owner of vehicle suspects that his driver has sold the vehicle to the passenger. Case is being investigated by HC Chaman Lal I/O PS Bhunter.
5. Case FIR No 16/11 dated 15.3.11 U/S 336, 304(A) IPC has been registered in PS Brow on the statement of bal Bahadur S/o Ati Ram Nepali at present contractor Prem Sagar Sethi at Sechi Project Samej stated that on 14.3.11 at about 6 PM when Prakash Dhingra was working as a driller near Samej road suddenly heavy stone fell down on him and he died on the spot. Case is being investigated by SI/SHO PS Brow.
2. Case FIR No 22/11 dated 14.3.11 U/S 325, 323, 504, 34 IPC has been registered in PS Nirmand on the complaint of Chet Ram S/o Jindu Ram R/o Sunair P.O. Nishani Tehsil Nirmand Distt Kullu stated that on 08.3.11 at about 8.15 PM when he was present behind cow shed in the mean time Himtu ram, Durga dass and Dogi Devi came there and abused him and beaten him and he sustained injury. Case is being investigated by HC Lal Chand I/O PS Nirmand.
3. Case FIR No34/11 dated 14.3.11 U/S 20 of ND&PS Act has been registered in PS Bhunter against Sanjay Pathania S/o Thakur Singh R/o Main Bazar Bhunter. Case is being investigated by ASI Naresh Chand I/O PS Bhunter.
4. Case FIR No 33/11 dated 14.3.11 U/S 406 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the report of Vishal Pathania S/o Devender Pathania R/O VPO Khokan Distt Kullu sated that on 12.3.2011 his driver Hem Singh told him that he is going to carry local passenger to Naina Devi and Deot Sidh for three days. On 13.3.2011 his driver informed him telephonically when he has parked his vehicle at Naina Devi on road side for urinal and when he came back he found that the vehicle was not there. The owner of vehicle suspects that his driver has sold the vehicle to the passenger. Case is being investigated by HC Chaman Lal I/O PS Bhunter.
5. Case FIR No 16/11 dated 15.3.11 U/S 336, 304(A) IPC has been registered in PS Brow on the statement of bal Bahadur S/o Ati Ram Nepali at present contractor Prem Sagar Sethi at Sechi Project Samej stated that on 14.3.11 at about 6 PM when Prakash Dhingra was working as a driller near Samej road suddenly heavy stone fell down on him and he died on the spot. Case is being investigated by SI/SHO PS Brow.
Monday, March 14, 2011
CRIME DATED 14.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 31/11 dated 13.3.2011 U/S 279,337 IPC and 187 M.V.Act Has been registered PS Bhunter on the statement of Sh. Amar Singh S/o late Sh. Dinesh Kumar R/o Bada Tehsil Gohar Distt Mandi at present MPCL Dhunkra Jari as a security Guard stated on 12.3.2011 when he was going to his duty on the Motor cycle No HP-32-0636 and when he reached at Hathithan one Innova car came with rashly from Manikaran towards Bhunter and hit his M/cycle and ran away from the spot. Case is being investigated by HC Jitender Kumar TTR Bhunter.
2. Case FIR No 32/2011 Dated 14.3.2011 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of one Sh. Baleshwar S/O Sh. Rup Singh R/O Behal PO Paidi PS Balh Distt. Mandi aged 42 years at present driver private bus No HP34- 5305 alleging that today at about 8.45 AM he parked his bus in the camps of LMS School and he along with his conductor namely Ravi Singh were going on foot towards Bajaura on the left side of the road at the same time one private Bus bearing Number HP-65-5775 came from Bajaura towards Kullu which was rash and negligent and hit him on the road. Both of them were taken to Kullu valley hospital for the treatment. This accident was occurred by sh. Ghanshyam S/O Ambika Ram R/O Mandi driver of the Bus No. HP-65-5775. The Case is being investigated by HC Pune Ram of TTR Bhuntar.
Preventive Action U/S 41(2)109 of Cr.P.C.
8 Persons are arrested under section 41(2)109 of Cr.P.C in the jurisdiction Police Station bhunter.The name of the arrested persons is as under.
1. Biru alias Lakhan S/O Dyal R/O ward No 5 Nawan Shahar Punjab aged 19 years
2. Sunil alias Rajender Singh S/O Gullu R/O village Jawalapur Haridwar UttraKhand aged 20 years.
3. Mangal S/O Lala Ram ward No 5 Balachaur Distt. Nawan Shahar Punjab aged 20years.
4. Kundan S/O Rati R/O wards No5 Balachaur Distt. Nawan Shahar Punjab aged 20years.
5. Babu Lal S/O Bhadur Nishad R/O Jodwar PS MehaRaja Ganj Tehsil Sagdi Distt. Ajamghar U.P. Aged 21years.
2. Case FIR No 32/2011 Dated 14.3.2011 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of one Sh. Baleshwar S/O Sh. Rup Singh R/O Behal PO Paidi PS Balh Distt. Mandi aged 42 years at present driver private bus No HP34- 5305 alleging that today at about 8.45 AM he parked his bus in the camps of LMS School and he along with his conductor namely Ravi Singh were going on foot towards Bajaura on the left side of the road at the same time one private Bus bearing Number HP-65-5775 came from Bajaura towards Kullu which was rash and negligent and hit him on the road. Both of them were taken to Kullu valley hospital for the treatment. This accident was occurred by sh. Ghanshyam S/O Ambika Ram R/O Mandi driver of the Bus No. HP-65-5775. The Case is being investigated by HC Pune Ram of TTR Bhuntar.
Preventive Action U/S 41(2)109 of Cr.P.C.
8 Persons are arrested under section 41(2)109 of Cr.P.C in the jurisdiction Police Station bhunter.The name of the arrested persons is as under.
1. Biru alias Lakhan S/O Dyal R/O ward No 5 Nawan Shahar Punjab aged 19 years
2. Sunil alias Rajender Singh S/O Gullu R/O village Jawalapur Haridwar UttraKhand aged 20 years.
3. Mangal S/O Lala Ram ward No 5 Balachaur Distt. Nawan Shahar Punjab aged 20years.
4. Kundan S/O Rati R/O wards No5 Balachaur Distt. Nawan Shahar Punjab aged 20years.
5. Babu Lal S/O Bhadur Nishad R/O Jodwar PS MehaRaja Ganj Tehsil Sagdi Distt. Ajamghar U.P. Aged 21years.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Crime Dated 13/03/2011 up to 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 22 dated 12-3-11 U/S 3,4 of Gambling act regd. in PS Anni against Nine persons namely Shyam Lal ,Jitta Ram, Rattan Singh, Pawan Kumar, Pawan , Daulat Ram, Dhani Ram, Kishori Lal, and Sher Singh as they were indulged in gambling at Raj Guest House, Bus stand, Anni and also recovered Rs. 7620/- only from their possession.
2. Case FIR No. 24 dated 12-3-11 U/S 363,366 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the statement of Girdhari Lal S/O Dola Ram R/O Kandhi PO Tandi tehsil Banjar stated that on 27-2-11 his daughter 16 yrs of age went to the shop of Shyam Lal Tailor at Bharati Dhar and she did not return back home till date. He alleged that one Devinder Kumar S/O Khimi Ram R/O Khroot PO Lagoti tehsil Ani has kidnapped his daughter for marriage with the help of aforesaid tailor Shayam Lal.
3. Case FIR No. 15 dated 12-3-11 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in PS Brow on the statement of R. C Robat Project Manager Gammon India Company stated that on 12.03.2011 at about 9.55 AM one TATA Novas No. HP 06A-1038 has fallen down in Satluj river near dumping yard Abairy. Case is being investigated by ASI Jagat Singh I/O PS Brow.
4. Case FIR No. 48 dated 12-3-11 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the statement of Sh Chander Kant S/O Bhagwan Dass VPO Katrain Teh & Distt Kullu that on 12.03.2011 at about 9.30P M when he along with his brother Balkrishan was waiting for a bus at Bashing near Dev Dham at the same time a Innova car came toward Kullu very speedly and hit his brother and run away from the spot. Case is being investigated by HC Jawala Singh I/O PS Kullu
5. Case FIR No. 25 dated 13-3-11 U/S 41,42 IF Act and 379 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the rukka of ASI Ram Lal I/O PS Banjar against Balak Ram S/O Tej Singh VPO Chanoun Teh Banjar Distt Kullu as recovered 20 scents 3X5 inch and 13 pieces of door frame worth Rs 28000/- from his tented house at Banjar during patrolling Banjar. Case is being investigated by ASI RamLal I/O PS Banjar
1. Case FIR No 22 dated 12-3-11 U/S 3,4 of Gambling act regd. in PS Anni against Nine persons namely Shyam Lal ,Jitta Ram, Rattan Singh, Pawan Kumar, Pawan , Daulat Ram, Dhani Ram, Kishori Lal, and Sher Singh as they were indulged in gambling at Raj Guest House, Bus stand, Anni and also recovered Rs. 7620/- only from their possession.
2. Case FIR No. 24 dated 12-3-11 U/S 363,366 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the statement of Girdhari Lal S/O Dola Ram R/O Kandhi PO Tandi tehsil Banjar stated that on 27-2-11 his daughter 16 yrs of age went to the shop of Shyam Lal Tailor at Bharati Dhar and she did not return back home till date. He alleged that one Devinder Kumar S/O Khimi Ram R/O Khroot PO Lagoti tehsil Ani has kidnapped his daughter for marriage with the help of aforesaid tailor Shayam Lal.
3. Case FIR No. 15 dated 12-3-11 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in PS Brow on the statement of R. C Robat Project Manager Gammon India Company stated that on 12.03.2011 at about 9.55 AM one TATA Novas No. HP 06A-1038 has fallen down in Satluj river near dumping yard Abairy. Case is being investigated by ASI Jagat Singh I/O PS Brow.
4. Case FIR No. 48 dated 12-3-11 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the statement of Sh Chander Kant S/O Bhagwan Dass VPO Katrain Teh & Distt Kullu that on 12.03.2011 at about 9.30P M when he along with his brother Balkrishan was waiting for a bus at Bashing near Dev Dham at the same time a Innova car came toward Kullu very speedly and hit his brother and run away from the spot. Case is being investigated by HC Jawala Singh I/O PS Kullu
5. Case FIR No. 25 dated 13-3-11 U/S 41,42 IF Act and 379 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the rukka of ASI Ram Lal I/O PS Banjar against Balak Ram S/O Tej Singh VPO Chanoun Teh Banjar Distt Kullu as recovered 20 scents 3X5 inch and 13 pieces of door frame worth Rs 28000/- from his tented house at Banjar during patrolling Banjar. Case is being investigated by ASI RamLal I/O PS Banjar
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Crime dated 12.03.11
Case FIR No 46/11 dated 11.3.11 u/s 363,366 IPC has been registered in P.S Kullu on the report of Smt. Kishri Devi r/o Jakdehal that on 10.3.11 at 5pm her daughter Poonam (NAME CHANGED) age 15 yrs went to a shop at another village but she did not returned back to home.At about 8pm Prem chand r/o lagdhari informed her telephonically that he along with her brother had kidnapped /abducted her minor daughter for marriage and he switched off his mobile. Case is being investigated by S.I Om Chand I.O P.S Kullu.
Case FIR No 47/11 dated 11.3.11 u/s 380 IPC has been registered in P.S Kullu on the statement of Smt Shelja Thakur D/o Nokhu Ram r/o H.N 135/8 Green peace colony D/pur that on 11.3.2011 at about 6 PM when she was ironing cloths in her room, a person who was inintoxicated came and told her that he was searching for someone. When he get out from her room and she checked her purseetc there she didn’t found her Rs.2000/- and ATM card. The above unknown person has stolen her cash and ATM from her room. Case is being investigated by HC Gian Chand I/O P.S Kullu.
Case FIR No 33/11 Dated 11.3.11 U/S 20 of NDPS Act has been registered in P.S Manali on the rukka of ASI Daya Ram I/O P.S Manali that on 11.3.11 when he was on patrolling at vashisht chowk along with police team he recovered 4 Kg. Charas from the possession of foreign (British) national namely Edward Samuel Charlton Hayes s/o Brian Hayes r/o Wensun Bran rabbits Lane Norfork England. Case is being investigated by ASI Daya Ram I.O P.S Manali.
Friday, March 11, 2011
CRIME DATED 11.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No 45/11 dated 10.3.2011 U/S 341, 323 IPC Has been registered PS Kullu on the application of Sh. Vijay Kumar S/o Prem Singh R/o Chowki Dobhi Distt Kullu stated on 10.3.11 when he was going to his home at about 5.PM when he reached near Shani Dev Temple left Bank one Nepali restrained his way and beaten him. Case is being investigated by HC Jawala Singh I/O PS Kullu.
2. On 10.3.2011 a telephonically information received from Mission Hospital in PS Manali that one kid 5 years old brought dead at hospital. On this information ASI Rajeev reached at hospital to verify the facts and came to the notice that the above kid namely Lucky Kumar S/o Kamal R/oNagal Kasoti (UP) was suddenly fell down in to the water drainage when he was playing with his sister. Proceeding U/S 174 CrPc is being carried out by ASI Rajeev I/O PS Manali.
2. On 10.3.2011 a telephonically information received from Mission Hospital in PS Manali that one kid 5 years old brought dead at hospital. On this information ASI Rajeev reached at hospital to verify the facts and came to the notice that the above kid namely Lucky Kumar S/o Kamal R/oNagal Kasoti (UP) was suddenly fell down in to the water drainage when he was playing with his sister. Proceeding U/S 174 CrPc is being carried out by ASI Rajeev I/O PS Manali.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
CRIME DATED 10.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1.Case Fir No 31/11 dated 09.3.2011 U/S 457, 380 IPC Has been registered PS Manali on the application of Sh. Rajesh Sharma R/o ward no 6 Guru Ji traders Manali stated on 08/9.3.11 intervening night some unknown culprits has stolen away golden ornaments and CD player. Case is being investigated by ASI Ram Swaroop I/O PS Manali.
2. Case FIR No. 32/11 dated 10-3-2011 U/S 379/411/34 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the Ruka of ASI Jai Lal I/C PP Patlikuhal that today he along with HC Mohinder Singh , HC Gopal Singh and Const. Ankush was on Nakabandi near police post Patlikuhal at around 4. 00 A.M one vehicle Maruti Van came from Manali side on seeing the Police team vehicle was stopped about 20 meter back and two persons get away from vehicle and fled away. One person was apprehended and vehicle Maruti Van was checked. On Checking two number plates bearing No. HP 01K-0468 and two bundles of telephone cable wire and one hexa blade was found in vehicle. Person apprehended namely Baldev S/O Balam Ram R/o Smoli P.O Daral Tehsil & P.S Joginder Nagar was asked about cable wire but he could not give satisfactory explanation. During the course of investigation two other co-accused namely 1. Bal Krishan @ Pal s/o Sh. Baldev Krishan R/o Badagran Bihal 15 Mile Tehsil Manali Distt. Kullu HP 2. Arjun S/o Tope Bahadur R/O Nepal has been arrested by ASI Jai Lal.
3. Yesterday on 09-03-2011 one Indera Devi w/o Sunder SinghR/o Dharagai PO Sugha Teh. Nirmand distt. Kullu aged 40 year has consumed poisons thing (.) She was lifted to MGMSC Khaneri, where she was declared dead (.) Inquiry U/S174 CrPc has been conducted by ASI Jagat Singh (.) Post mortem has conducted at MGMSC Khaneri to day (.) Post mortem report has not been ascertained so far (.) Afer post mortem dead body handed over to kith & kin for cremation (.) Cause of death is to be ascertained (.) How ever inquiry is continue (.)
2. Case FIR No. 32/11 dated 10-3-2011 U/S 379/411/34 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the Ruka of ASI Jai Lal I/C PP Patlikuhal that today he along with HC Mohinder Singh , HC Gopal Singh and Const. Ankush was on Nakabandi near police post Patlikuhal at around 4. 00 A.M one vehicle Maruti Van came from Manali side on seeing the Police team vehicle was stopped about 20 meter back and two persons get away from vehicle and fled away. One person was apprehended and vehicle Maruti Van was checked. On Checking two number plates bearing No. HP 01K-0468 and two bundles of telephone cable wire and one hexa blade was found in vehicle. Person apprehended namely Baldev S/O Balam Ram R/o Smoli P.O Daral Tehsil & P.S Joginder Nagar was asked about cable wire but he could not give satisfactory explanation. During the course of investigation two other co-accused namely 1. Bal Krishan @ Pal s/o Sh. Baldev Krishan R/o Badagran Bihal 15 Mile Tehsil Manali Distt. Kullu HP 2. Arjun S/o Tope Bahadur R/O Nepal has been arrested by ASI Jai Lal.
3. Yesterday on 09-03-2011 one Indera Devi w/o Sunder SinghR/o Dharagai PO Sugha Teh. Nirmand distt. Kullu aged 40 year has consumed poisons thing (.) She was lifted to MGMSC Khaneri, where she was declared dead (.) Inquiry U/S174 CrPc has been conducted by ASI Jagat Singh (.) Post mortem has conducted at MGMSC Khaneri to day (.) Post mortem report has not been ascertained so far (.) Afer post mortem dead body handed over to kith & kin for cremation (.) Cause of death is to be ascertained (.) How ever inquiry is continue (.)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Crime dated 9.03.11
1.Case FIR No 21/11 dated 08.3.11 U/S 302, 323 IPC has been registered in PS Nirmand on the statement of Smt. Sheela Devi W/o Late Sh. Pune Ram R/o Dhamah P.O. Nither Distt Kullu stated that she have two children one daughter namely Anita Kumari who is widow since five year and residing in parental house and one son namely Amrikan who is residing with his family at Vekta (Dhamah). On 07.3.11 her son Amrikan came home and started to broken the roof of house. When she objected he came down and started beating her and her daughter Anita. She run away and Amrikan stabbed her daughter Anita Kumari. She became unconscious and died on 08.3.2011 in the morning. Case is being investigated by ASI Kanwar Singh I/O PS Nirmand.
2. Case FIR No 44/11 dated 08.3.2011 U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the application of Sanjay Kumar Singh Asstt.Patel Company Barshani distt Kullu stated that on 07.3.11 some unknown culprits stolen away 4 Core 70mm, 20 Meter cable of tower crane. Case is being investigated by HC Jamal Din I/O PP Manikaran.
3. A Bus of HRTC which was plying between Anni & Laphali met an accident around 10.15 AM near village Buchher, about 15 KM from Anni when it fell down about 40 meters down the gorge. Seven persons namely Kimat Ram s/o Anoop Ram R/o Chuai (32 yrs),Chimat Ram s/o Lala Ram R/o vill Chhatri Mandi (30yrs), Prem Singh s/o Lagan Das R/o Deem Anni (39 yrs), Achher Singh s/o Bansi Ram R/o Deem Anni (37 yrs), Bhagu Ram s/o Salakhnu r/o Shilaaran Anni (62) and Avaid Hasan s/o Abdul latif r/o Patish Muzafar Naggar U.P (32yrs) have been reported killed on the spot and one Smt. Shantlu Devi w/o Pitu Ram r/o Kapthi Anni (65yrs) died in Anni Hospital, includes Six locals and one resident of Uttar Pradesh, while eighteen others sustained injuries and three of them are serious. All injured have been moved to Anni Hospital for treatment and seriously injured to Rampur Hospital. Dy.SP Anni & SDM Anni are supervising relief operations. The post mortem of dead bodies has been conducted & bodies handed over to relatives except that resident of UP. Cause of accident is being ascertained. In this regard a case U/S 279,337,304(A) IPC has been registered in PS Ani. Case is being investigated by S.I. Gurbachan Singh SHO PS Anni.
2. Case FIR No 44/11 dated 08.3.2011 U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the application of Sanjay Kumar Singh Asstt.Patel Company Barshani distt Kullu stated that on 07.3.11 some unknown culprits stolen away 4 Core 70mm, 20 Meter cable of tower crane. Case is being investigated by HC Jamal Din I/O PP Manikaran.
3. A Bus of HRTC which was plying between Anni & Laphali met an accident around 10.15 AM near village Buchher, about 15 KM from Anni when it fell down about 40 meters down the gorge. Seven persons namely Kimat Ram s/o Anoop Ram R/o Chuai (32 yrs),Chimat Ram s/o Lala Ram R/o vill Chhatri Mandi (30yrs), Prem Singh s/o Lagan Das R/o Deem Anni (39 yrs), Achher Singh s/o Bansi Ram R/o Deem Anni (37 yrs), Bhagu Ram s/o Salakhnu r/o Shilaaran Anni (62) and Avaid Hasan s/o Abdul latif r/o Patish Muzafar Naggar U.P (32yrs) have been reported killed on the spot and one Smt. Shantlu Devi w/o Pitu Ram r/o Kapthi Anni (65yrs) died in Anni Hospital, includes Six locals and one resident of Uttar Pradesh, while eighteen others sustained injuries and three of them are serious. All injured have been moved to Anni Hospital for treatment and seriously injured to Rampur Hospital. Dy.SP Anni & SDM Anni are supervising relief operations. The post mortem of dead bodies has been conducted & bodies handed over to relatives except that resident of UP. Cause of accident is being ascertained. In this regard a case U/S 279,337,304(A) IPC has been registered in PS Ani. Case is being investigated by S.I. Gurbachan Singh SHO PS Anni.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Crime dated 08.03.11
1. A case FIR no. 14/11 dt.08-03-11 u/s 341,323,504 IPC has been reg. in PS Nirmand on the report of Smt.Sarojna Devi w/o Yash paul R/o Sharnidhar Teh. Nirmand District Kullu alleging that on 07-03-11 at around 5 pm when she was came back to home on the way near Randal one Reshmi Devi of same Vill. has restrained, abused and beaten her (.) Investigation is conducted by ASI Jagat Singh I/O PS Brow (.)
2. A case FIR No. 20/11 dt. 8-3-2011 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered at P.S. Nirmand on the statement of Bhagat Ram s/o Shetu Ram Vill. Gagani P.O. Arsu Tehsil Nirmand Distt. Kullu stated that the marriage of his son namely Pyare Lal was fixed for 7-3-2011 at Nauni. The Barat goes to to Nauni in Bus No. HP35B-7502 when Barat came back by bus and reached at Himra Baudi the bus driver Saligram loose the control on bus due to rashly driving and the bus rolled down about 20 -25 feet from the road. About 50-55 persons have got injuries in this accident. ASI Hari Singh I.O P.S. Nirmand investigated the case.
2. A case FIR No. 20/11 dt. 8-3-2011 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered at P.S. Nirmand on the statement of Bhagat Ram s/o Shetu Ram Vill. Gagani P.O. Arsu Tehsil Nirmand Distt. Kullu stated that the marriage of his son namely Pyare Lal was fixed for 7-3-2011 at Nauni. The Barat goes to to Nauni in Bus No. HP35B-7502 when Barat came back by bus and reached at Himra Baudi the bus driver Saligram loose the control on bus due to rashly driving and the bus rolled down about 20 -25 feet from the road. About 50-55 persons have got injuries in this accident. ASI Hari Singh I.O P.S. Nirmand investigated the case.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Crime dated 7.03.11
1. Case FIR no 21/11 dated 6-3-11 u/s 20 of ND&PS Act has been registered in PS Banjar on the Ruka of ASI Paras Ram I/O PP Sainj alleged that during patrolling at 4-30 pm 800 gms Charas has been recovered on the possession of Sh charna Ram s/o sh Oyare Ram vill Jhalla PO & Tehsil Payal distt Ludhiyana Punjab.Case is being investigated by ASI Paras Ram I/C PP Sainj.
2. Case FIR No 22/11 dated 6-3-11 u/s 451,341 506 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the statement of Sh Kamal Kumar s/o Mahet Ram vill. Ropa Bhojpuri Tehsil Sunder Naggar distt Mandi A/P chicken corner shop Banjar stated that one person Sh Dhyan Singh enter in his shop and started beaten him and also marnequi of life threatening to him. The case is investigated by HC Raj Pal I/O PS Banjar.
3. Case FIR No 30/11 dated 06.3.11 U/S 18, 20 of ND&PS Act has been registered in PS Manali on the Rukka of ASI Daya Ram against Vicky Narayan Chauhan S/o Sh. Narayan Chauhan R/o Rockland Building Room No 9 Marol road Andheri (east) Mumbai as he has recovered 1.5 gram Heroin & 8 gram Charas from his possession during patrolling near Bhut Nath Temple at Manali. Case is being investigated by ASI Daya Ram I/O PS Manali.
4. Case FIR No 30/11 dated 06.3.11 U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of Anshum Sood S/o Dharm Prakash Soood R/O VPO Pragpur Distt Kangra stated that he is the driver of vehicle Tavera bearing No HP-01D- 0834. On dated 05.3.11when he was coming from Shimla to Manali while he reached at Mohal at about 1.10 Am one another vehicle Alto Car No HP-49-0996 came from towards Kullu to Bhunter which was rush speed and hit his vehicle. Case is being investigated by ASI Dhani Ram I/C TTR Bhunter.
4. Case FIR No 18/11 dated 07.3.11 U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS Nirmand on the application of Ravi Kant Sharma worker of Reliance Company that on dated 6.3.11 intervening night some unknown culprits has broken the lock of Reliance Tower Shelter and stolen away Battery and 40 liter diesel. Total value of Stolen property is Rs. 9500/-. Case is being investigated ASI Kanwar Singh I/O PS Nirmand.
2. Case FIR No 22/11 dated 6-3-11 u/s 451,341 506 IPC has been registered in PS Banjar on the statement of Sh Kamal Kumar s/o Mahet Ram vill. Ropa Bhojpuri Tehsil Sunder Naggar distt Mandi A/P chicken corner shop Banjar stated that one person Sh Dhyan Singh enter in his shop and started beaten him and also marnequi of life threatening to him. The case is investigated by HC Raj Pal I/O PS Banjar.
3. Case FIR No 30/11 dated 06.3.11 U/S 18, 20 of ND&PS Act has been registered in PS Manali on the Rukka of ASI Daya Ram against Vicky Narayan Chauhan S/o Sh. Narayan Chauhan R/o Rockland Building Room No 9 Marol road Andheri (east) Mumbai as he has recovered 1.5 gram Heroin & 8 gram Charas from his possession during patrolling near Bhut Nath Temple at Manali. Case is being investigated by ASI Daya Ram I/O PS Manali.
4. Case FIR No 30/11 dated 06.3.11 U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of Anshum Sood S/o Dharm Prakash Soood R/O VPO Pragpur Distt Kangra stated that he is the driver of vehicle Tavera bearing No HP-01D- 0834. On dated 05.3.11when he was coming from Shimla to Manali while he reached at Mohal at about 1.10 Am one another vehicle Alto Car No HP-49-0996 came from towards Kullu to Bhunter which was rush speed and hit his vehicle. Case is being investigated by ASI Dhani Ram I/C TTR Bhunter.
4. Case FIR No 18/11 dated 07.3.11 U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS Nirmand on the application of Ravi Kant Sharma worker of Reliance Company that on dated 6.3.11 intervening night some unknown culprits has broken the lock of Reliance Tower Shelter and stolen away Battery and 40 liter diesel. Total value of Stolen property is Rs. 9500/-. Case is being investigated ASI Kanwar Singh I/O PS Nirmand.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Crime Report of 06.03.2011 up to 4PM
1.Case FIR No 43/11 dated 05.3.11 U/S 279, 304(A) IPC & 184,187 M.V. Act has been registered in PS kullu on the statement of Rajender Kumar S/o Tirth Ram R/o Village Devdhar PO Neoli Distt Kullu stated that on 5.3.11 at about 6.25 PM when he was going to his home near Gammon Bridge one unknown vehicle was coming from Jia to Manali hit Jagdish Thapa Nepali caused injuries as a result he died on the spot. Case is being investigated by Sub.Insp. Biri Singh I/C Traffic kullu.
2.Case FIR No 29/11 dated 05.3.11 U/S 341, 323, 506, 34 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of Sanjeev Arora S/o Prittam Dass Chief Financial officer Fozal Power project that on 02.3.11 at about 9 AM when he was on duty at Adit-II in the mean time one Amar Singh and his son Govind Thakur , Payar Chand Thakur came there and beaten security and threatened them with dire consequence. Case is being investigated by ASI Jai Lal I/C Police Post Patlikuhal. Patlikuhal.
3. Case FIR No 30/2011 Dated 6.3.2011 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered on the statement of one Sh. Anshum Sood S/O Sh. Dharam Prakash Sood R/O V.P.O. Pragpur Tehsil Dehra Distt. Kangra against the unknown driver of vehicle Alto car bearing registration No HP-49-0996 alleging that he is the driver of vehicle Tavera bearing registration No HP-01D-0834. On dated 5.3.2011 he was coming from Shimla to Manali along with passengers while he reached near Mohal at about 1.10 am one another vehicle alto car bearing registration No HP-49-0996 came from Kullu towards Bhuntar which was rashly driven, hit his vehicle i.e. HP-01D-0834. The case is being investigated by Incharge traffic wing Bhuntar . The accused of the case namely Sh. Hem Raj S/O Sh. Beli Ram R/O V.P.O. Deutha Tehsil and PS Banjar distt. Kullu has been arrested today on 6.3.2011. Investigation of the case is in progress.
1.Case FIR No 43/11 dated 05.3.11 U/S 279, 304(A) IPC & 184,187 M.V. Act has been registered in PS kullu on the statement of Rajender Kumar S/o Tirth Ram R/o Village Devdhar PO Neoli Distt Kullu stated that on 5.3.11 at about 6.25 PM when he was going to his home near Gammon Bridge one unknown vehicle was coming from Jia to Manali hit Jagdish Thapa Nepali caused injuries as a result he died on the spot. Case is being investigated by Sub.Insp. Biri Singh I/C Traffic kullu.
2.Case FIR No 29/11 dated 05.3.11 U/S 341, 323, 506, 34 IPC has been registered in PS Manali on the statement of Sanjeev Arora S/o Prittam Dass Chief Financial officer Fozal Power project that on 02.3.11 at about 9 AM when he was on duty at Adit-II in the mean time one Amar Singh and his son Govind Thakur , Payar Chand Thakur came there and beaten security and threatened them with dire consequence. Case is being investigated by ASI Jai Lal I/C Police Post Patlikuhal. Patlikuhal.
3. Case FIR No 30/2011 Dated 6.3.2011 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered on the statement of one Sh. Anshum Sood S/O Sh. Dharam Prakash Sood R/O V.P.O. Pragpur Tehsil Dehra Distt. Kangra against the unknown driver of vehicle Alto car bearing registration No HP-49-0996 alleging that he is the driver of vehicle Tavera bearing registration No HP-01D-0834. On dated 5.3.2011 he was coming from Shimla to Manali along with passengers while he reached near Mohal at about 1.10 am one another vehicle alto car bearing registration No HP-49-0996 came from Kullu towards Bhuntar which was rashly driven, hit his vehicle i.e. HP-01D-0834. The case is being investigated by Incharge traffic wing Bhuntar . The accused of the case namely Sh. Hem Raj S/O Sh. Beli Ram R/O V.P.O. Deutha Tehsil and PS Banjar distt. Kullu has been arrested today on 6.3.2011. Investigation of the case is in progress.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Crime dated 05.03.11
1. Case FIR No 42/11 dated 05.03.11 U/S 279, 337, 304(A) IPC has been registered in PS Kullu on the statement of Rita Devi D/o Purkhu Ram R/o Shila PO Puid distt Kullu stated that on 05.2.11 she along with her father Sh. Purkhu Ram was coming to Kullu for medical checkup in Pickup No HP-34A-7221. Jeevan kumar S/o Balwant was driving above vehicle. At about 11.00AM when vehicle reached Mahu Chahar suddenly driver lost control on vehicle and rolled down from the road. In these incidents Purkhu Ram S/o Jeet Ram R/o Shilla age 65 years injured and brought to Distt Hospital Kullu and where he declared died by MO distt Hospital Kullu. Case is being investigated by HC Mukesh Kumar I/O PS Kullu.
2. One Person namely Belu Ram S/o Maghu Ram R/o Koki PO Panjali Tehsil Banjar Distt Kullu age 38 years has been arrested U/S 114 Police Act at Bhunter by Bhunter Police.
2. One Person namely Belu Ram S/o Maghu Ram R/o Koki PO Panjali Tehsil Banjar Distt Kullu age 38 years has been arrested U/S 114 Police Act at Bhunter by Bhunter Police.
Friday, March 4, 2011
crime dated 04.03.11 up to 4 pm
1. Case FIR No 29/11 dated 03.03.11 U/S 20 ND&PS Act has been registered in PS Bhunter on the Rukka of ASI Jaspal Singh I/O PS Bhunter against Chet Ram S/o Sh. Hotu Ram R/o Falati PO Kasladi Tehsil &Distt Kullu as he has recovered 1.400 Kg Charas from his possession during patrolling at Jachhani. Case is being investigated by ASI Jaspal Singh I/O PS Bhunter.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
CRIME DATED 03.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No. 21/11 dated 03-03-11 U/S 451.323,506,34 IPC has been regd in PS Anni on the statement of Smt. Bimla Devi W/O Sh. Ram Krishn R/O Dadasha P.S. Anni stated that on 02.03.11 at about 10.30PM when she was present in the kitchen in the main time Three person namely Jai Singh S/O Sh. Lal Dass , Sunil Kumar S/O Sh. Jai Lal and Nittu S/O Sh. Chander Mohan all R/O Dadasha came there and enterd her kitchen and veaten her and also threaten with dire consequence. Case is being investigated by ASI Gian Chand I/O PP Luhari.
2. Eight Persons are arrested u/s 41(2)109 Cr.P.C. have been arrested in PS Bhunter During patrolling in Bhuntar Bazar on 3.3.2011 at about 1030 am and all are being produced before the Ld. SDM Kullu. The Name and address of the arrested persons are as under.
1. Palvinder Singh S/O Sh. Sukh Pal Singh R/O Ludhiana Near Kidwai Nagar H.No 1329 Punjab aged 22 year.
2. Harpreet Singh S/O Dalip Singh R/O Ludhiana Mohala Kidwai Nagar Salam ganj H.No.10/10 Punjab 27 year.
3. Gurdeet Singh S/O Sh. Sardar Aasha Singh Shahar Ludhiana H.No. 103 ward No 12B distt Ludhiana Punjab aged 18 year.
4. Mithilesh Kumar S/O Sh. Ram Chand Yadav R/O Jeet Pur PO Jarkaha Panchphart PS Shankar Pur Distt. Madhepura Bihar aged 19 year.
5. Gagan Dev S/O Sh. Dev Bhadur R/O Mahander Nagar Baba Than Tehsil Mahander Nagar Distt.Kanchan pur Nepal aged 56 year.
6. Arun S/O Gagan R/O Mahander Nagar Baba Than Tehsil Mahander Nagar Distt.Kanchan pur Nepal aged 19 year.
7. Dhan Bhadur S/O Nain Singh R/O Taloni Kotwara PO Turmang PS Tumang Distt. Acham Nepal aged 30 years .
8. Dila Ram S/O Sh. Ravi Ram R/O Salgari PO Phalayakhar PS Salyan Distt. Salyan Nepal aged 28 years.
2. Eight Persons are arrested u/s 41(2)109 Cr.P.C. have been arrested in PS Bhunter During patrolling in Bhuntar Bazar on 3.3.2011 at about 1030 am and all are being produced before the Ld. SDM Kullu. The Name and address of the arrested persons are as under.
1. Palvinder Singh S/O Sh. Sukh Pal Singh R/O Ludhiana Near Kidwai Nagar H.No 1329 Punjab aged 22 year.
2. Harpreet Singh S/O Dalip Singh R/O Ludhiana Mohala Kidwai Nagar Salam ganj H.No.10/10 Punjab 27 year.
3. Gurdeet Singh S/O Sh. Sardar Aasha Singh Shahar Ludhiana H.No. 103 ward No 12B distt Ludhiana Punjab aged 18 year.
4. Mithilesh Kumar S/O Sh. Ram Chand Yadav R/O Jeet Pur PO Jarkaha Panchphart PS Shankar Pur Distt. Madhepura Bihar aged 19 year.
5. Gagan Dev S/O Sh. Dev Bhadur R/O Mahander Nagar Baba Than Tehsil Mahander Nagar Distt.Kanchan pur Nepal aged 56 year.
6. Arun S/O Gagan R/O Mahander Nagar Baba Than Tehsil Mahander Nagar Distt.Kanchan pur Nepal aged 19 year.
7. Dhan Bhadur S/O Nain Singh R/O Taloni Kotwara PO Turmang PS Tumang Distt. Acham Nepal aged 30 years .
8. Dila Ram S/O Sh. Ravi Ram R/O Salgari PO Phalayakhar PS Salyan Distt. Salyan Nepal aged 28 years.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Case of hurt and wrongful restrain
- Case FIR no 28/11 dated 1.3.2011 u/s 341,323,34 IPC has been registered in P.S Manali on the application of Shri Amar Chand s/o Bhimu Ram vill karjan that on 1.3.2011 he along with his brother Padma Nand was on the way towards their home at about 9 P.M in the mean time four person Rocky,Chanda Ram ,Dinu and Shyam wrongfully restrained and beaten them with grip & kicks. Case is being investigated by I/O P.S Manali .
Case of Burglary
- Case FIR No 39/11 dated 1.3.2011 U/S 457,380IPC has been registered in P.S Kullu on the complaint of Anirudh Sharma r/o Gandhi Nagar Kullu that he had purchased a Lap top & mobile phone appox 90,000/- to her daughter which was stolen on 11.12.2010 intervening night by one Dhani Ram R/o Devdhar Kullu from his house. Investigation is being carried out by H.C Gian Chand I/O P.S Kullu. Two persons have been arrested namely Dhani Ram and Shanta Ram.
Case of Accident
- Case Fir No 40/11Dated 2.3.2011 u/s 279,337 IPC &184 MV Act has been registered on the statement of Prakash Chand r/o Badah Kullu that on dt. 1.3.2011 when he along with his friend were going towards Mohal on his Car no HP-34B-6400 ,at about 7.15 PM when they reached near Badah due to rash & negligent driving of driver Ranjit singh they met with an accident. Case is being investigated by I.O P.S Kullu. The driver has been referred to PGI.
Case of Narcotics (Charas / Hashish)
- Case FIR NO 41/11 Dated 2.3.2011 U/S 20,29 of NDPS Act has been registered in P.S kullu on the Rukka of ASI Dheeraj I/CPP Jari that when he along with police official was on Nakabandi Duty at Suma Chanon at about 6.30 AM one vehicle No HR=18 E 0014 came from Manikaran side towards Bhunter. He stopped and checked the vehicle and recovered 4.500 Kg charas from the possession of Nazar Khan r/o H.N 570 Milk Colony Dhanas Chandigarh ,Saahil s/o Lt shri Chander Kumar r/o H.N 1516 chaman colony Dhanas Chandigarh & Raj Kapoor @ Raj r/o vill Ghrita shri ram P.O Goddi distt Kushnagar U.P who were sitting in above mentioned vehicle. Investigation is being carried out by ASI Dheeraj I/C PP Jari.
Case of Outraging modesty
- Case FIR No 16/11 dated 1.3.2011 U/S 451,354IPC has been registered in P.S Nirmand on the statement of Smt Paina devi w/o Govind singh r/o Shilh that on 1.3.2011 she was in her hotel , at about 5.15 P.M Satish @ Badal came her hotel and outrage her modesty. Case is being investigated by I.O P.S Nirmand .
Case of Burglary
- Case FIR No 13/11 Dated 2.3.2011 U/S 457,380 IPC has been registered in the P.S Anni on the statement of Shri Ganesh Sharma r/o vill Brow that on 28.2.2011 intervening night some unknown culprits have stolen gold ornaments including cash Rs 10,000/- by breaking the door lock of his house. Case is being investigated by I.O P.S Anni.
Case of Hurt and Criminal Intimidation
- Case FIR No 17/11dated 2.3.2011 u/s 452,323,506,34 IPC has been registered in the P.S Nirmand on the statement of Umesh Kumar s/o Moti Ram that on 1.3.2011 at about 7.08 PM he received one call from 8679336511 on his mobile, who wants to talk with him at Baba's hut. He went there and after 10 minutes two persons namely Lochan singh and Gurdial sigh came there and without any cause they beaten him with sword & stick and threatened him with dire consequences. Case is being carried out by I.O .
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
CRIME DATED 01.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM
1. Case FIR No. 27/11 dated 28-02-11 U/S 509, 506, 504 IPC Act has been regd in PS Manali on the statement of Sh Naresh Kumar Sharma A.A.E. Himuda Sub Div. Kullu stated that on 27/02/11 at about 7.45 PM one Arvind Sharma S/o Roshan Lal Sharma call in his mobile No 94185-50662 and abused him and he also call in the mobile of his wife and started abusing to his wife and used filthy language and also threatened with dire consequence. Case is being investigated by ASI Daya Ram I/O PS Manali.
2. Case FIR No. 27/11 dated 28-02-11 U/S 14 of foreigner Act IPC has been regd in PS Bhunter on the Rukka of ASI Jaspal Singh I/O PS Bhunter against one Mr. Mark Hamieau S/o Marcel Hamieau a French National age 66 years as he was found with out Passport and visa during patrolling at Thela. Accused has been arrested.
3. Case FIR No 28/11 Dated 28.2.2011 U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered in P.S Bhunter on the statement of Shri Yadav Chand conductor HRTC Kullu stated that on 28.02.11 why he was on duty in the Bus No HP-66-1368 Tata A.C. from Manali to Chandigarh at about 9.40 PM when he was dropping the passenger at Bajaura one Maruti car No HP-34-0112 came from Aut side with rash and negligent and hit to his bus from driver side. Case is being investigated by HC Chaman Lal I/O PS Bhunter.
2. Case FIR No. 27/11 dated 28-02-11 U/S 14 of foreigner Act IPC has been regd in PS Bhunter on the Rukka of ASI Jaspal Singh I/O PS Bhunter against one Mr. Mark Hamieau S/o Marcel Hamieau a French National age 66 years as he was found with out Passport and visa during patrolling at Thela. Accused has been arrested.
3. Case FIR No 28/11 Dated 28.2.2011 U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered in P.S Bhunter on the statement of Shri Yadav Chand conductor HRTC Kullu stated that on 28.02.11 why he was on duty in the Bus No HP-66-1368 Tata A.C. from Manali to Chandigarh at about 9.40 PM when he was dropping the passenger at Bajaura one Maruti car No HP-34-0112 came from Aut side with rash and negligent and hit to his bus from driver side. Case is being investigated by HC Chaman Lal I/O PS Bhunter.
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