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Thursday, June 30, 2011


Cannabis field in Parvati valley

Cannabis fields near village Gohar, Manikaran

A beautiful house in midst of cannabis fields

This one is more than 12 feet long

Terraces of cannabis fields

Cannabis fields of Lower Yorum Thach

Lower Yorum Thach

A bird's eye view of cannabis fields of Lower Yourm Thach

A Doghra(out-house) surrounded by cannabis

Area of Upper Yorum Thach

Destruction in progress

Delta team led by Narveer Rathour


Anonymous said...

These all efforts are going to become a history for kullu police's attempt to eradicate the menance of cannibise. We are fortunate to a part in this drive led by your excellent leadership and vision.These all achievements will be a inspiration for each of us who have contributed to this cause......Sandeep Dhawal...ASP Kullu

Anonymous said...

Please stop destroying these fields full of valuable medicine. The therapeutic value of cannabis is far beyond what any of you think. Cannabinoids can cure cancer, recent research has expounded on this and as the years progress only more and more evidence will show that cannabis is not a menace but a beautiful herb that brings pain relief, anxiety relief and mental enlightenment. The natural cannabis plants in Himachal Pradesh are extremely impressive from a biological standpoint. India is the birthplace of the top indica strains such as Hindu Kush and the genetics that are found in this region need to be studied and evaluated. Please stop what you are doing in the name of science,realize that you are destryoing medicine that could help someone with cancer, HIV/AIDS, MS, PTSD, arthritis etc. etc.