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Thursday, March 31, 2011

CRIME DATED 31.03.2011 UP TO 4 PM

1. Case FIR No 30 /11 dated 30.3.11 U/S 18, 20 of ND&PS Act has been registered in PS Anni on the Rukka of SI/SHO Gurbachan Singh against Mahi Lal S/o Rameshwar Singh R/o VPO Samalkha Distt Panipat (HR) & Pradeep Singh S/o Jai Singh R/o VPO Samalkha Distt Panipat (HR) as he has recovered 5oo gram Charas & 100 gram opium from their possession during patrolling .Case is being investigated by SI/SHO PS Anni.
2. Case FIR No. 31/11 dated 30.3.2011 U/S 325 IPC has been registered in PS Anni on the report of Sh. Gulab Chand on 29.03.2011 when he was working in the field of Dhani Ram his son hit with stone on his arms which he caused grievous hurt. Case is being investigated by I/C PP Luhari ASI Gian Chand.
3. Case FIR No 40/2011 Dt. 31/3/2011 u/s 341 ,323,34 IPC has been registered in PS Bhunter on the statement of Yan Singh Sonkhla s/o Sh. Bir Singh R/o VPO Khokhan Tehsil and Distt Kullu stated on 30/3/2011 at about 8.30 pm, when he was standing outside the house after taking dinner, he saw a motorcycle came from Bhunter to Khokhan on Khokahn road suddenly stopped and listen, the sound of quarrellings and nothing was seen to him who was quarrellings due to dark night .After this, sound of throwing something into nallah was heard by him. After this he along with his son reached the road and see the motorcycle N0 HP 34-2132 lying on the road .He identified the motorcycle was of Praveen Kumar s/o Gulab Chand R/O Khokhan and he know Praveen Kumar very well. After this he long with his son went to Nallah with torch and they saw a person namely Praveen was lying in Nallah in injured conditions. In time Sanju and other boys of village also came and carried Praveen Kumar to Kullu Valley Hospital. Praveen is referring to PGI by the MO. Case is being investigated by HC Chaman lal I/O PS Bhunter.
4. On 30.3.2011 a meeting with Private Bus operator, Truck Union, Taxi union, Jeep union office bearer of Kullu was held in the SP office Kullu regarding regulation of vehicular traffic in Kullu City. Sh. Vijay Kumar Ashok Kumar, member Bus Pvt. Union, Hari Ram General Secretary Taxi Union Kullu, Inder Kumar Rahi Dev Bhumi Jeep operator Kullu, Yub Raj Thakur President Taxi Union Kullu, Naresh Karir Chairman Pvt. Bus Union Kullu, Ibarhim Bharti owner Bharti Bus service, Bahadur Thakur bus union Kullu, Sar Chand Thakur President Pvt. Bus union Kullu, Khawer Singh President Kullu dev Bhumi Jeep union Kullu and Homender Mahant President Truck Union Kullu have attended the meeting. In this meeting following issues have been discussed. They all were introduced with traffic rules. 25 stoppages for bus have been identified from Bajaura to Kullu. Discussion about diversion of traffic through left bank to by pass Kullu. Discussion about Dhalpur traffic. In this meeting issue of the Bhunter Taxi union regarding charging of fee @ Rs1100/- from the other taxis at airport Bhunter was also discussed and decided that no fee will be charged from the other taxis, if such complaints come to notice action will be taken against defaulter as per law.

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