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Wednesday, August 3, 2011



(1) Case FIR No. 222 dated 2-8-11 U/S 504 ,506 IPC has been registered in PS  Banjar on the statement of Sh. Dhani Ram S/o Dole Ram R/o vill. Teel PO Bachhut Tehsil & PS Banjar  Distt. Kullu   stated that on dated 9-5-11 at 11.00 pm one unknown person abused and Threat to kill him on my mobile phone No. 94181-49864 by mobile phone no. 98165-78107 and next time the same person abused and Threat to kill him by  another No. 98578-65236 now the same person threatening him again and again.  case is being investigated by HC Raj Pal I.O PS Banjar


(2) Case FIR No. 223 dated 2-8-11 U/S 447,379 IPC has been registered in  PS Banjar on the application of sh sunder singh s/o late sh Ganga Ram r/o H/No. 41 housing board colony Daruhi (Salasi) Tehsil & distt. Hamirpur A/P Principal Govt. Degree College Banjar Distt. Kullu HP alleged that smt Bandna w/o Sh. Sher Singh R/O Barada has encroached the land of Govt. Degree College Banjar by making the residential building and theft stones from the boundary wall premises of college building.  case is being investigated by ASI Prabhu Ram  I.O PS Banjar


(3) Case FIR No. 328/11 dated 2-8-11 U/S 147,148,149,323,342,506 IPC has been registered on the application of Mr. Amar Singh S/O Mohan Lal Vill. 17 Mile PO Baran . He stated that in the time near about 4 PM when he was coming to his home near 6 or 7 persons came & beaten him . They also put up him in a vehicle and after beating thrown him near 16 Mile Nala . They also threatened to kill him. After that he told the whole story to his mother by mobile phone & then after he reached CHC hospital Manali for the treatment purpose . Case is being investigated by I/C PP Patlikuhal .


(4) Case FIR No 228/2011 dt. 2-8-2011 u/s 420,467,468 471,472 IPC has been registered in PS Nirmand  on the written application endorst by Ld. JMIC Anni  of Bittu s/o late Sh. Shauju Ram r/o Nava Sharai  P.O and Tehsil. Nirmand distt Kullu that the complainant father was absolute owner of land denoted in khata no 1539/1750 khasra no 5713 measuring 5 bighas in mauja phati and tehsil nirmand distt kullu hp [.] long back shauju ram died atage of about 54 years on 18-10-1995 and he reported to executed a general power of attorney in f/o sh. lobha ram s/o kutu ram r/o nava sarai on31-10-1987 [.] it was found that the lobha ram has got the land of his father gifted vide registered deed on 13-10-1998 in f/o cheeni s/o dassu r/o kunda kod about three years after the death of  the  executant [.] the gift was started to have been made in lieu of maintenance of a dead person shauju ram who has died three year back already [.] cheeni and lobha ram knew that such attorney is not enforceble and that executant has died [.] they also  knew that Shauju Ram has one son and one daughter similarly  the Kesi Ram s/o Kutu Ram is a witness to the gift dead and Gopal Dass Nambar dar fati Nirmand being of same village also knew that the executants of the GPA. had died and they all conspired to sell the land of the complainants father .Case is being investigating  by ASI Narender Singh I/O PS Nirmand .


(5)        Case FIR No. 445/11 dated 02/08/11 U/S 447,IPC & 33 IF Act has been registered in PS Kullu on the application of Sh. Pyare Chand Guleria Range Forest officer , Forest Range Kasol against Bhale Ram S/o Sh. Khim Chand R/o Lapas Manikaran has encroached forest land more than 10 bighas at deodani. Case is being investigated by SI Jamer Singh I/C PP Manikaran.


(6)        Case FIR No. 446/11 dated 02/08/2011 U/S 279, 337, 34 IPC and 18, 187 MV Act has been registered in PS Kullu on the statement of Mohan Lal S/O Sh Kunj Lal R/O Chanaugi Distt Kullu stated that he was coming from Manali to Kullu when bus reached near Ramshilla and he was coming down from bus, in the main time bus driver start the bus and he fell down from the bus. Case is being investigated by Lady HC Maya I/O Traffic Wing Kullu.

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